Brother PR600 For Sale

United States

I have an almost new Brother PR600 for sale. I have all of the hoops, some sizes have two hoops, and the cap hoop. I teach school full time and just cannot find time to keep up a home business and teach first grade. I will be glad to get with you on any information. Thanks for your interest.

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I'm just starting to look into embroidery and would like to at least get some basic information on your pr600. Do you already have a start for your asking price?

I was also curious what year your machine is?

Do you think it would be possible to post a pic of your machine?

Were you planning on selling everything with your pr600? threads, software, etc?

You can either reply here, send me a PM, or email a reply any way that would be best for you.

A Davis

Thanks for your interest. I am in the room with the machine so I am going to try to give you all of the info I can. I will also try to post a pic. I am new at this site so will see what happens.

I bought the machine brand new in spring of 2004. (I am not sure where I put my receipt but I can double check this date with my sewing machine place where I bought it.)

I have the owners manual that is very helpful with any directions.

I have the following hoops:

300 X 200 mm. (1 hoop)
180 x 130 mm. (2 hoops)
100 x 100 mm. (2 hoops)
60 x 40 mm. (1 hoop)
and the cap hoop equipment

I used the Husqvarna Viking software and will be keeping that as I still have two designer machines here.

I do have a digitizing program that I would like to sell with it if the buyer is interested.

The machine is in excellent condition and has been oiled with each use just like the manual recommends. The only piece that is broken is the cover over the bobbin. I just tape it over the bobbin. I just simply have not taken the time to order a new one.

As far as thread, I may throw some in to help you get started but will keep most of mine. Let me know what you are looking for because I am sure I have enough to share.

I have been very pleased with this machine. It runs well and I have had very few problems with it. I had very badly wanted to get this business off the ground but I really think God had other plans for me.

I am starting at $7000.00 for the machine. That price is flexible but I will only deal with serious buyers.

I cannot seem to figure out how to post the picture but I have it saved to my computer so as soon as I have your email, I will send you the pic.


To include photos to your post, click "Edit Post" and then click the "Manage Attachments" button. It should be pretty straightforward from there.

Let me know if you still need more details. :)

I am in Texas. (below Houston). I can ship UPS and would be willing to look at sharing the cost of shipping.

I am have just discovered that the new machines are selling for closer to $7000.00 so have chosen to drop the price of mine to $5500.00. Let me know if you have any questions.

do you still have the machine, can you export to Kampala Uganda? Contact UPS for the price, I will be will to foot it as well