By wvdiva on
Oct. 03, 2019
I have a Ricoma 15 needle machine and last night the manual color change stopped working it turns but doesn't go anywhere and the needle changer on the control board stopped working as well when I punch the button for each needle it sounds like its moving but its not doing anything. Anyone might know what might be wrong with it?
United States
Re: Ricoma MT 1501
If it sounds like it is moving but not actually going anywhere it sounds like the color change cam may be loose. I work on most makes and models and have worked on one single headRicoma locally in Gate City, VA but not specifically on the cam. There should be a knob behind the needle case on the right side that you can turn. This knob is the manual color change and as you turn it the needle case will scroll to each needle. If it doesn't move then the cam or connected motor must be loose. Try moving with knob and let us know what you find.