Screen printing business start up?

Hey guys, im new to this site...but i have been reading some posts and it seems to be a very informative site...I recently started screen printing at my house along with the sign business i started a while back..I think in the last 2 years i have gathered a wealth of information and knowledge about both businesses...(more with signs than screen printing).

I guess my problem is i feel overwhelmed and unorganized. It just seems like i should be doing more sales then i am. I have an ebay store and do ok with online sales but i would like to start selling these things locally. I can't go open a shop up, its too much overhead for me right now. The other problem is, if i sell loacally i have to print out many shirts ahead of time and hope i sell them...Right now i just have a bunch of random screens and pretty much make them to order.

How are you guys doing it? What is the normal amount of screens you have hanging around? What is the best way to get out there and get started? I see the potential in this business..its something i don't think is going away. I really want to capitalize on it...Any suggestions? thank you in advance, Nick Romano

United States
Greg hamrick's picture

Hello Nick,
Have you thought of "consignment"? A lot of small stores like convinent marts will let you put small amounts of shirts in and they will sell them. You go back and replace the ones you've sold and collect the cash. If you keep only a few dozen shirts in one store, your overhead shouldn't be too much.
Also, advertise in the small papers such as those that say "Buy Sell and Trade". You'll be surprized at who reads those things and want shirts and signs.
As you get more orders, you can buy more screens to keep on hand and maybe then you won't feel so....I take that'll still feel like the rest of us, "Overwhelmed and Unorganized"

Hope this helps............Greg

At the edge of dreams lay the far-flung ideals of true creation.


I recommend reclaiming screens as part of your job cycle. Screens can take up valuable space and the longer they sit, the harder they are to clean out. Also, screen tension has no place to go but down as the screen sits around, reducing print quality and messing up the registration on multi-color jobs. I don't hold on to stencils any longer than I think it will be likely that the customer will call in a last minute add on for their event (always a gamble).
Mostly, I concentrate on keeping my film positives in good shape and well organized as well as taking copious notes so that customers will get consistent product.

At least you are *trying* to be organized, that is often what seperates a profitable screen printer from one who barely eeks by.

good luck :)

JuBilee's picture

Welcome to the world of imprintables!!!! I have never met a screenprinter/embroiderer who had it all together. If you ever find one, walk away, they aren't busy enough to be disorganized. We started 16 years ago going door to door with a briefcase and asking people to buy t-shirts with thier logos on them. We also made a big deal out of doing ball uniforms. We do custom shirts, I don't do name drops or generics so I guess it's probably a little easier to actually sell the goods, but much harder to get through the steps to get to that point.

Your local business is where the money is. Local bussinesses will use you because you are local and they have someone to talk to. They will continue to come back as long as they get a fair product for a fair price. On-line buyers are more fickle and will buy the same thing somewhere else just because it's cheaper.

Hope some of this helps. If you have any more questions, Call me.

Matt McNeill

JuBilee Screen Printing
& Embroidery

Celebrating 20+ years in business!!!!!

If you have any questions, feel free to pm, email, or call me.:D

nromano1212 wrote:
Hey guys, im new to this site...but i have been reading some posts and it seems to be a very informative site...I recently started screen printing at my house along with the sign business i started a while back..I think in the last 2 years i have gathered a wealth of information and knowledge about both businesses...(more with signs than screen printing).

I guess my problem is i feel overwhelmed and unorganized. It just seems like i should be doing more sales then i am. I have an ebay store and do ok with online sales but i would like to start selling these things locally. I can't go open a shop up, its too much overhead for me right now. The other problem is, if i sell loacally i have to print out many shirts ahead of time and hope i sell them...Right now i just have a bunch of random screens and pretty much make them to order.

How are you guys doing it? What is the normal amount of screens you have hanging around? What is the best way to get out there and get started? I see the potential in this business..its something i don't think is going away. I really want to capitalize on it...Any suggestions? thank you in advance, Nick Romano

Hi! Nick
I will try o make this short! read my reply the IOWA Couple.
I'm doing this for some 20 years very little equipment. All work is by word of mouth.
I do have business cards and have three locations all from out of a basement.
Get your name to the local fire/police departments, schools, girl scouts, boy scouts, and even printers that don't offer screen printing. I can go on!

But if you would like yu can call me: (516) 852-7993 Cell or (203) 977-4897