****SOLD**** *****SOLD***** *****SOLD*****
I am selling my Screen Printing equipment for pretty much half the money I spent on it. I've had the equipment for a little over a year. Everything is in excellent condition. I had this set up in my garage. This is perfect to start a small busines or clothing company. (Brand new just the Hopkins press and HIX exposure unit was already $3,500....this is a great deal).
I am located in Northern California. Please e mail me if interested. thanks.
- Hopkins 4 color 4 station press
- HIX Table Top Exposure Unit
- Black Body Flash Dryer with stand
- Epson R1800 Printer
- Washout booth with option backlight
I am also selling a screen frame rack w/20 slots - aluminum for only $125 bucks. Originally I bought it for $259.-
I have aluminum screens for sale. like new. $10 bucks ea.
There is 1 Comment
Re: SCREEN PRINTING EQUIPMENT - $3,500 Takes it all
*****SOLD***** ****SOLD******
Thank you but the equipment sold yesterday.