This is a very nice well maintained press. The machine includes one Omni-Uni Flash, 8-16" x 22" pallets and 6- 16" Squeegees and Flood Bars, 24- Squeegee/Flood Bar Clamps. Press has Air Screen Locks, Front and Rear Micro Registration, Front or Rear Print Stop, Single or Double Stroke Feature. Machine and Flash will include 100% completely functional at set up & 60 day parts exchange warranty. Price is $11k FOB Camden SC, add $500.00 for fully enclosed crates (much better freight rates) available June 11.
This is a link to the machine on YouTube I apologize for the lack of sound in the video, my phone was have issues with recording sound when the movie was taken, it is very smooth running press.
One head is removed due to the type of production that the machine was being used for (bag printing and they were using two dryers and doing two different jobs at one time). The sixth head is included and is 100% complete.