Low print count machine with Air Locks, Front and Rear Stroke Adjustment, Front Micro, New Safety Cords (never used) and Production Management Software (this is not a Revolver). All parts are in good working order and nothing is missing. Recently replaced Mosier Index Cylinder and Stroke Shock. Includes 6 - 16" squeegees & flood bars and 8-16" Pallets and 24 squeegee/flood bar clamps, manual etc. This machine has been on a M&R factory scheduled maintenance program since new, the machine is right. 100% parts warranty at set up, additional warranty available. Delivery available in the SE U.S. Ready at once.
Pictures available over the weekend, these will also be posted here over the weekend.
$8,500.00 with IR in head flash or $10,500 with brand new quartz flash. Leasing Available also we accept MC, Visa, Discover and PayPal