2 Amaya Machines for Sale!

United States

I am selling my entire building of equipment as a package deal. Includes everything listed plus LOTS more to numerous to list:
Does not include the actual building!

1 Amaya Red, 1 Amaya XT, ALL operating systems w/Design Shop Pro+ and upgrade, all dongles and software, all frames including cap frames and driver, Fast Frames, 1 Heat press(still in box), All in One Hooper, complete, LOTS of Thread, supplies, backings, etc.

Includes approximately $7500 worth of clothing, hat and misc. inventory!!

This has been and currently is a store front retail business still operating daily. Buy today and in business tomorrow!! I am sure there is LOTS more that I have not mentioned. This is just the main items. Buy it, you get everything!! Machines have been prefessionally maintained and kept up.
Located in Iowa

Asking $28,000 plus tax
Buyer is responsible for shipping costs

contact me at premierbiz5@yahoo.com with any questions.