!2 color Workhorse Sabre

Dallas United States

Workhorse Saber Auto 12 color

14 Station / 12 Color
2 Workhorse quartz flash

youtube video: https://youtu.be/dgePBEQtYbE (actual press)

Workhorse Sabre Automatic Press 12/14

Workhorse' new Sabre Series line has set the standard for high production and high quality at an affordable price. Workhorse combines their 30 year history of quality products, services and resources with some of the latest in screen printing technologies. These technologies include a revolutionary patent pending indexing system and a never before seen touch screen control panel offering unmatched functionality.

12 Colors / 14 Stations
20" x 28" Print Area
Electric Print Heads & Electric Indexing
Electric: 220V, 50-60Hz, 25amps
Air: 110psi, 12cfm
Overall Diameter: 18'

Total Weight: 5507 lbs.

Saber B-103566

Dave McLain
Screen Printing Products Inc.
Blog Site: http://screenprintingproducts.blogspot.com/