By jacquiewoo@sbcg... on
Sep. 30, 2007
United States
Used 2head 12needle SWF/Tajima Embroidery machine. Excellent condition, Business ready to go. Computer included, over 300 threads, tons of hoops (4 of most), New V-8 Sierra software, over 30,000 designs. This business is ready to go tomorrow, you can start tomorrow. Must sell, I am too busy with this it takes away from my family too much.
Everything included 15K.
Call today (951) 280-9018 or (562) 900-7694
Dakota Collectible software, 2001-2005 designs 20,000+, plus Wildlife, floral, heirloom designs. All for only $1500. Also ABC 7 alphabets & 50 designs included, Dakota sizer.