2 M & R Automatics
M & R Gauntlet II - 10/8 - the Original - Cadillac of the M & R Brand -
16 x 20 Print Size
Pneumatic Screen Frame Clamps, Revolver Print Program, Optic Shirt Detector, Pallet
Positioning Arm, Front Stroke Adjustment, Ink Dip, Servo Index System, Digital Sq/FI Speed Display, Front Micro
Registration, Adjustable Rear Screen Holders, Single/Double Print Mode, Adjustable Rear Stroke, Reset & Print
Buttons at Every Print Head, and AC Driven Print Heads
M & R Diamondback XL - 10/8 Color
Maximum screen size: 26" x 36", [I]Maximum image area: 20" x 21", standard pallet size 16” x 22”
Standard Features: Servo Indexing system, Pneumatic Print Heads with Side Screen Holders, Central Off-Contact, Pneumatic
Screen Clamps, Pneumatic Squeegee/Flood Bar clamps, no- tools SQ/FB Angle Adjustment and Pneumatic Squeegee Pressure
Regulators. Adjustable Rear Stroke, Calibrated Squeegee/Floodbar Angle and Pressure Adjustments, Touch Screen Control Panel[/I]
Dave McLain
Screen Printing Products Inc.