2007-SWF 6 HEAD 12 COLOR -business too

United States

Business and machine are for sale...
We are a 12 year old embroidery company in southern California.
We specilize in the automotive and motorsports industry.
1000's and 1000's of digitiaed logo's. Hooping boards, tables,
100's of cusotmer accounts,

Some of our clients, BMW, Harley Davidson, Porsche, Ferrari Challenge
100's of automotive aftermarket companies. the list is endless.
The SWF machine was over $33k new.......

If you purchase everything....company and SWF machine $50,000.
Yes!!! $50,000.00 CASH BUYERS ONLY.....

Just the SWF embroidery machine.....$25k cash.
Our best sales year $400k range.
Reason for selling, just time for other oportunities.
Call me today. This will be sold fast!
Patrick Kennedy
714-292-1386- miss me please leave a message