3)Melco EP1 Single Head, Single Needle-different locations

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United States

Melco EP1 Single Head, Single Needle- 1995, with many extras and all the supplies will be sent. Instruction Manuals are Included.
Comes with EDSlll Software. All the Hoops and the Hardware that came with the machine is included, Located in OH
Picture Available.... $2100. or $BO
Includes: 2) 5x9 wooden hoops, 2 hoop it all frames for caps or flat stock, 6 d hoops, key board, cpu, softwear edslll, no monitor-too expensive to ship. All the manuals, supplies and tools that came with the machine--are sold with the machine.

Melco EP1 Single Head, Single Needle- 96/97, Good Shape, Pictures Available, Located in KS, Two wooden hoops (5.5" x 9"), three 'D' shaped hoops, two flat hoops(I use them for caps and other odd shaped items, aprons bags.....etc.) ...$1800.

Melco EP1- Single Head Single Needle- Comes with Computer, Attachments and Hoops, Pictures Available, Located in MI

Thornton Equipment Co.
David Thornton

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