Belquette Flexi-Jet 4800 "L" for sale

United States

Belquette Flexi-Jet 4800 "L" (Long Bed) for sale.
Well maintained. Newer print head with 150-200 prints.
2 T-shirt platens
1 sleeve platen

Also included is a HixDigital HT600D Heat Press and Custom-Built RIP Server.

Server includes;

Gigabyte GA-EP35-D3SL motherboard
E7200 Core2 Duo Processor @ 2.5Ghz
2GB Ram
500 GB Hard Drive
CD/DVD Burner
Samsung 920NW 19" Flat-Screen Monitor
Keyboard and Mouse
Windows XP Professional SP3
PhotoShop CS3
PowerRip Flexi-Jet Package (Build 744b)


Spare Parts, accessories, syringes, cartridge resetters, cables, etc. PDF copies of the Epson 4800 Service Manual and 4800 Exploded Diagrams and Parts Manual.

Original video (on computer and DVD) of set-up procedures. All original manuals, driver files and information that came with the printer. Also includes a binder with reference materials from previous owner.

I'm only asking $8000 for everything.

If you're interested, please contact Bil at 309-664-1918 or reply to this thread.

Thank you,