Brand New Newman L2 Roller Table, 42 Frames, Tension meter, wrenches and mesh

Vancouver BC United States

Hey Guys,

Have a brand new never been used L2 table. Still has plastic on the air cylinders and bags over the gauges. 100% never been used. We have another table which stretches our 23x31" + 25x36" and this one just didn't get setup...ever.

Also 31 qty - 23"x28" square bar frames, with strips, need to be re-meshed. Good shape, lots of life left.

Plus 11 qty -18"x20" square bar manual frames as well. Some may have usable mesh, we haven't used them for a while so not sure.

Also included are the Newman Tension meter, large magnesium wrench, a torque wrench, alignment clips and some mesh.

2700$ for the whole package, Ill skid it you handle shipping from Vancouver Canada.

Email for pictures,