The BROTHER BES1230AC has a greatly widened sewing area (V 300mm x H 600mm) which will allow you to embroider the smallest designs on a hat, shirt, or blanket - to much larger designs on jackets, luggage, or golf bags. Does flats, tubular and caps!! We will include all current and past customer files and data soft wear We are selling this for 12,000.00
Need to sell
Sewing Speed Max 1,000 spm (6 levels)
Sewing Area
V 300 mm x H 600 mm (border frame area)Y
V 300 mm x H 480 mm (tubular square foot area)
V 85 mm x H 150 mm (cap frame area)
Feed System Timing Belt, Pulse Motor Drive
Stitch Length 0.1 mm - 12.7 mm
Storage Medium 3.5" 2HD Floppy Disk (which corresponds to Tajima format)
Thread Trimming Automatic Thread Trimmer
Needle Thread Breakage Needle Thread Breakage Detector
Power Supply Single Phase 200 to 240 V 50/60 HZ
More Photos avaible just send a email
The third heads need the springs, tenions, and a few other little thing replaced. We have more photos we can send.
$12,000.00 OBO vaule at $42,000.00 865-365-1660
Comes with
Machine Brother BES 1230AC
Dell Laptop
Softwear & 2 Dongaul (BES 100) 1-Fill Digitizing 1- Editing
Custom Fonts 70 plus fonts
7- hat frames (Hat Tech)
5- 13" round frames
6- 480x300 round frames
4-300x280 round frames
1- 16" round frame
1- 7" round frame
3- Fast Frames
Hoop Master
3- hoop mater frames
1-hat gauge
3-hat drivers
1-embroidery seam ripper
3- large table tops
1- thread adjusters
Box full of Patches
390 small Iscord threads
166 lrage Iscord threads
3/4 box of Bobbin
Jacket Backing material
Hat Backing material
We send any customer your way after we have sold it file and everything
need to sale asap