Hi, just joined up to this fantastic resource. I presume this is the correct place to post information about our range of embroidery machines but if not please let me know and I'll amend the post.
We are the main agents for Brother embroidery machines and sewing machines for Ireland. Based in Bray, Co. Wicklow we supply the full range of embroidery equipment and embroidery design software throughout the country. We have a great many years experience in the business and I personally have a deep training in design and the use of design software as well as in the supply of commercial and retail embroidery machines to start-up businesses and individuals.
Our catalogue is online and can be viewed at our website www.sosbrother.ie. The site is easy to navigate and shows all the main Brother machinery and accessories available. We have sections on embroidery machines, sewing machines as well as embroidery design software.
Again if I've posted this in the wrong place apologies and I'll amend accordingly, 'Product/Service Promotion' seemed like a good place to post. Thanks again for a fantastic resource.
*Quick Update* We've just put together a video of our products and services. You can see it here:
Any comments would be appreciated, either there or at our new YouTube channel 'home' at http://www.youtube.com/user/SOSBrotherEmbroidery