Brother PR-650 6 needle 2010 just serviced - Chicagoland

United States

Less than 2 years ago, in November of o' nine, I purchased a flatbed/convertible Brother 2800D. I wanted an 'add value' to my little crafting business and have the ability to throw a name on a shirt. Within 4 months, I sold that machine and purchased the PR-650 I am selling now. I am selling this one because this spring, I purchased the new PR-1000 (10 needle). I had originally planned on keeping them both because business was booming, but I've since reassessed and have decided that for the next 12-18 months, I need to scale back and have a better work/life balance until my twins go to kindergarten next fall.:)

This machine has served me so well, and looks and runs like new. I had it serviced in May and since then, because it is my 'second' machine, it has had minimal use.

    Asking $6995
    Comes with all 4 hoops plus the hat rig
    I will put together a starter pack of stabilizer and thread - enough to get you through loads of projects.
    I will include a significant training session (amount of time based on your need) -- at least 2 hours, but more if appropriate. I love embroidery - I love brother - I would love to pass along all that I have learned!

Also, if you are interested in doing so, I might be able to occasionally send piece work your way, to help you pay for your investment! :)

I am 40 miles west of Chicago.