A buyer's browsing notes...

emberrayne's picture
United States

Hi, sellers!
I'm a relative newbie to the forums, but not to business, looking to spend money on screen printing equipment in the very near future, possibly from one of you...
So I've got a few small requests generated from my reading a LOT of postings from sellers...

1. Can you please tell me where the equipment is? In the title is even better! That's because I live in Virginia and a great deal in California is still... well... in California. I've got to be able to pick it up or ship it reasonably or I'm wasting my time and yours in asking about it...

2. Can you please give me the model number if you have it? That way I can "Google It" and get pictures, specifications, etc... I'm going to ask you for it before I buy, so if you give it to me, I already have it and can simply come to you ready to buy!

3. If there's anything wrong with it, can you tell me in advance? That way I know what I need to do to get it up and running as soon as possible!

4. Can you give me a ballpark price range, please? I know you want to make as much as possible, but if I've only got $1,000 to spend and you have a $10,000 machine, no amount of negotiation is going to make the deal happen and we both know it...

For example: "Brown 4 Col 6 Stat Press- Virginia- $XXX" would be a great title because it would tell me what's for sale, where it is, what brand it is, and how much you want for it.

You of course might choose to ignore this feedback from a serious buyer of equipment, but I hope not!

Thanks for any "Buyer Feedback" You might have as well... Working together we can make the process of passing equipment from successful business folks to new entrepreneurs as pleasant as possible!
