Caps International 4/4 Manual Press And Exposure Unit

United States

Hello all--

I am selling a Caps International 4c/4s manual press and Sure Lite exposure unit.

The press is in excellent condition, in fact it has only had around 300 prints on it. It has off contact, full micros, and tilt, all with no tools. As I stated before the press is in excellent condition and it holds tight registration.

The exposure unit is a Sure Lite made by caps as well. It is 30x40 with a timer and vacuum lid. The blanket on top is in perfect condition, and the whole unit overall is in mint condition.

We payed around 3,500 for the both of these. Looking for 1,500 for the press and 600.00 for the exposure unit. We are located in Memphis Tn for those of you that might be wondering. The pictures I tried to post on here were too big so I made an album on Photobucket. Here is the link to the album

Fell free to ask any questions--
