Screen Boxes for drying screens
Screen boxes for drying screens. Set up to dry the 20x24, but can also use 31" screens. Have dehumidifiers in bottom of each box.
Screen boxes for drying screens. Set up to dry the 20x24, but can also use 31" screens. Have dehumidifiers in bottom of each box.
Comes with quartz flash. Comes with squegees and adult and youth platens.
14 x 16 press.
Just not doing it anymore.
Asking $250
[B]Comes with two flash quartz (red dot bulbs, have a
Bought new. 4 chambers of heat panels.
Bought new. Made to print neck tags. Retrofitted to print can coolers. Comes with platens that came with it and a ton of screens.
Washout booth. Polypropylene so does not ding up screens.
80" tall, 60" wide, 28" deep. Holds two screens at once easily.
Large double washout booth. Bought new. Just used to reclaim screens. Polypropylene so does not ding up screens.
Vastex Red Flash 18"x18"
120Volts 16.5 Amps
3 Available $350Each or $1000 all Three Units.