Coldesi DTG Printer for sale. Sale will include the DTG G4 printer with platens and the Spray machine that goes with it. It also has the CAD software on a Laptop that will go with it.
Only used for about 6 months.
Taken from Coldesi website:
Advanced Technology –
Incredible Reliability –
Beautiful Prints
The G4 DTG Printer from ColDesi fulfills the promise of Direct to Garment printing.
DTG Printers used to be high maintenance, often wasting valuable ink and other supplies every day. And they used to need highly skilled operators and expensive additional software.
They used to be hard to use – right from the hooping stage – all the way through design management, printer settings, and especially care and cleaning.
But the G4 DTG Printer is DIFFERENT – a breakthrough for both the brand new T-Shirt Printing Entrepreneur AND the seasoned pro.
If you’re a screen printer or existing digital t-shirt printing shop, you’ll appreciate the incredible production speed and versatility of the G4.
Typical full color designs on a dark shirt printer in UNDER 2 Minutes -and prints on white shirts are twice as fast.
The touch screen control panel makes selecting and printing designs fast and easy. And the vacuum platen is a huge time saver – loading and unloading shirts has never been easier.
Washability is better than ever, and it’s so easy to use that any of your operators can be up and running in minutes!
As a Startup or first-time digital printer owner, you’ll really love the LOWWWW maintenance. The system auto cleans and that full-color touch screen panel tells you when you need to do anything at all to maintain the system.
And if you want to take it on the road or run it from a kiosk or retail store you can go computer-free and print from designs stored right on the printer itself.
The G4 Printer uses Kodak Kodacolor DTG Inks designed specifically for this printer – and no one does beautiful images like Kodak!
CONTACT JOY @423.519.3936