-M&R Economax dryer ($1500.00)
-M&R Blue Max III manual press (2,000.00)
-Platens (4) adult/aluminum, (4) youth/aluminum, 4 sleeve/wooden , Jacket hold down, small hold down platen.(for the M&R press)
-NuArc Exposure Unit (1,000.00)
-Rutland Ink 54 gal. buckets(partially used) , (7) 5 gallons buckets (some partially used), Approx 100 quarts of mixed ink.
-5 gal. unopened pre-sensitized emulsion (unopened)
-5 gal.emulsion remover.(unopened)
-5 gal. haze remover(unopened)
-(2) 5 gal screen wash ink remover
-(4) Newman manual retensionable roller frames (3 with screens, 1 without screen)
-(16) Hix manual retensionable frames (all with frames)
-(12) wood manual screens
-(4) push squeegies
-(4) wood hat screens
-Aluminum screen rack (holds 20 manual screens) (125.00)
Please contact me at caleb@notjuststuff.com or call our office at 1888-480-1348