Complete set up $110,000
2014 ROQ YOU P16 XL 12/16 (2 open heads for dedicated flashes)
- Open heads are pre-wired so you can purchase additional heads making it a 14/16 press
- 4 x Connection ports for things like Irons, Inline foil and flock,etc.
- 2 x 3 Phase EVO 14400 XL Smart Flashes
- 16 x 16" ROQ Honeycomb pallets
- 16 x 12" ROQ Honeycomb pallets
- 12 x 16" ROQ Winged flood bars
- 12 x 16" ROQ Squeegee holders with rubber
- 2 x Laser alignment
2017 ROQ YOU P10 M 6/10 (2 open heads for dedicated flashes)
- Open heads are pre-wired so you can purchase additional heads making it a 8/10 press
- 2 x Connection ports for things like Irons, Inline foil and flock, etc.
- 2 x 3 Phase EVO 12100 L Smart Flashes
- 10 x 16" ROQ Honeycomb pallets
- 10 x 8" ROQ Honeycomb pallets
- 10 x 4" Custom Aluminum sleeve pallets
- 10 x 16" ROQ Winged flood bars
- 10 x 16" ROQ Squeegee holders with rubber
- 2 x Laser alignment
- 300 Screens with mesh. All screens are already drilled and pins attached.
- 8 ROQ Double Sleeve Pallets
- Several extra Action Engineering ROQ style squeegees
- 4 x Action Roller Squeegees
- ROQ PRU (pre registration unit for pin system)
- ROQ Pin drilling table
- Waterproof rivets
- Air rivet gun for attaching receptacles to screens
- Douthitt CTS
- Exile V-Lux Exposure Unit