Complete Screen Printing Shop

Murrieta, ca, United States

See PDF Photos below
Riley Hopkins 6/4 press, almost new (less than 200 shirts)
Black Body Conveyor Dryer 18" x 66"
Black Body Flash unit LC22oo 18 x 22"
Temperature gun to check temperature
Exposure unit RXP 25 x 36" (Ryonet)
Dark Room Closet
Aluminum Drying Rack w/wheels
Over 50 screens
Textile Cleaning Gun
17 squeeges varied sizes
Wash Out Booth (Blackline)
New 1400 Power Washer
Inks and supplies
Various size platens
Epson 1400 photo printer (with AccuRIp & Spot Process Software)
Several instruction DVDs
We are not parting out any of the above. It is being sold complete as an excellent value for a new start up shop. $7,000.00
Call Barbara 951 445 4438