Complete shop for sale:6 color Auto and Manual

Vestaburg, MI, United States

Rototex Auto 6/8.... Motor on one printhead is missing....other 5 heads work
12 adult and 8 children sized pallets

M&R Blue Max 2 manual printer 6/4
I have modified the press. The palllets for the Rototex fit onto the manual press. I also have 4 of the original Blue Max II adult pallets, 1 child sized pallet and 1 hat pallet. (The M&R pallets need new rubber)

Atlas 24" X 8' belt dryer. Belt only 2 years old with no tears. (One exhaust fan recently quit working)

Flash Unit

National Heat Transfer Press

assorted inks and supplies

$3000 (firm) $100 discount if picked up before the end of the year.

Call me at 989-235-6760 or email me at