If you are looking to get into the internet business, don't look any further!
I have just now completed and have fully developed the best and most comprehensive customize your own design. T shirts and apparel website.
We have been developing the website for almost 1 year and now for the last few weeks have been in the testing mode for bugs and errors.
We proud to now put this amazing creation out for sale to the public. This website is a fully customizable website for anything ideally for apparel but carries the most amazing customize module.
We had spent a massive amount of funding and time dealing with all sorts of developers from all over the world. The success for this website completion was only just imaginable at one point. We are happy to say we have made into a reality. This website comes fully optimized and a 6 month agreement for SEO and SEM. SEO and SEM is now the most vital and most comprehensive advertising and marketing for online e commerce businesses. We work with only the top in SEO and SEM. We will also provide information to set a Google campaign and Google ad words. The website sale will guarantee a good amount of traffic, now depending on your product and company branding, that will determine you lead conversion for a sale. The website is ready to accept orders with all completed API in place.
For an exclusive showing of the website, you may contact me via email to discuss further details.
Our asking price of $50,000 for this website has been fairly determined to the specifications, technology and features of the website.
Don't be fooled by other web developers and creators overseas or locally to charge you 3k for the job. You will not only get something that will not work, but you will spend your time and efforts only stressing each and every day for a completion date. Don't make the same mistake we did. If you would like to discuss the pricing and the matter about the creation of our site and how it’s different for a fact from all others, please feel free to contact us at anytime.
One of the biggest and well known websites around named Custom Ink at customink.com has a custom module to design your own tees. This company has been trying to get a new module for the last 2 years and have been through a round of funding by private investors for some time now. Our website has by far exceeded the level in terms of comprehensive web development for this project.
We also own the Brother GT – 541 Digital Garment Printer. This printer is one of the best on the market. This garment printer is available and up for negation and can come as a package deal.
We look forward to speaking with you.
Please leave your contact information in the email.
Please feel free to contact us at 310-383-6662 or email us at creativeapparelshop@gmail.com