Have you heard? - Two very exciting must have new tools for your automatic machine are now available.
Double Stroke Squeegees have many benefits.They Push Thick Plastisol through a high mesh count quickly. Achieve better resolution than ever before on your underbase!
The Roller Squeegee has a variety of applications which both improve your production rates and the quality of the products that you are producing.
For Smoothing your Print after the Flash - with Teflon Film
Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Alpve7jrnoE#ws
Article by Bill Hood - http://universaldomainexchange.com/sjmsplash/roller-squeegees/
16" Roller Squeegee and Teflon Film - $275 each - most machines
16" Double Stroke Squeegee with 70D Rubber - $165 - most machines
Erik Naftal
Action Engineering, Inc.
Atlanta, GA. U.S.A.
800-228-4668, 770-934-1584