DTG Kiosk II for sale

United States

I have a DTG Kiosk II for sale. Prints Light and Dark Garments. Includes 3 adult plattens, 1 child platten, a golf ball platten, supply of inks(what's left), supply of pre-treat (what is left) Rip Pro software. Good condition. Selling the business. Asking $6500. I am in the Miami Florida area. Call M-F, 10:30A to 5:00 PM at 305-392-5729 or email otto@ozwiz.biz

Also selling two Hotronix STX 16 x 20 Auto Clam presses. $900 each,
Hotronix STX Cap Press $500
Digital KNight Mug Press K3 $500

Epson 1400 and SubliJet Bulk Ink System $590

And much more...call for details. Leave a message and I will call you back.