Embroidery Digitizing & Vector Art

We are Having an Experiences of 15+ years in Vector Art & Embroidery Digitizing services In INDIA.

We offers you 12 hours turn-around Service with high quality at very low cost with $15 Flat rate for Left Chest designs.

We Offer best pricing in the market and also the finest quality in the Market.

We are Providing digitizing formats Such as :-
1) Wilcom .emb,dst.,Babylock pes.,epx.,cnd.,
2) Tajima Pulse – pxf.,pof.,dst.
3) Wings - .mgs., .nls., .dst.
4) Ethos – isi.,dst.,
5) Melco – ofm.,cnd.,dst.
6) Punto _ .pdc. pdf. dst.

Please Provide us the Image and the Details required.
• We Accept Format such as jpg, .jpeg, .zip, .exp, .cnd, .ppt, .fdr, .tif, .tiff, .doc, .gif, .pcx, .cdr, .eps, .pdf, and many more.

We Also Provide Artwork Service : -

We deliver the vectorized files in the following formats: Corel v.12.0, Photoshop v.7.0, and Adobe ILLustrator v.CS.

And the price is $06.00 per hour.

Our normal turn around time for artwork creation is 12 Hour’s
we prefer the following formats: .jpg, .jpeg, .tif, .tiff, .doc, .gif, or .pdf.

We look forward to an opportunity and can help you GROW your Business from you soon!!!
