Entire Auto Screen Print Shop Equipment.

Palmetto, FL, United States

Price reduced to 20,000.00. Need to move this equipment to make room. Complete automatic screen printing setup for sale and priced to move, I am moving on from screen printing and selling 100% of my equipment. Priced to sell, very motivated to move this equipment ASAP. Two six color automatic presses, one six color manual. two ovens, 2 full sets of squeegee and flood bars per automatic press. Both Regular adult platens as well as one set of sleeve platens. Led exposure unit, washout booth and dip tank. Vacuum platen on the manual machine. 100+ aluminum 23 x 31 screens, mesh raging from 110 to 300. Both automatic press have 2 shuttle flashes, along with one for the manual press. Two belt dryers, larger one has a 8' chamber with 3' in and out feeds. Many gallons of ink and several containers of chemicals. 2 spot Guns. Assorted spatulas and other essentials. Epson T3270 printer for vellums. Every thing needed to print is included.

Equipment has been appraised as follows: Original price 107,000.00+, Market resale price 43 to 53,000.00, pricing well below to move the equipment. Equipment is located in Palmetto, FL. I have many more pictures of equipment just ran out of attachment space. Email for more information, Sales@flscreen.com