Up for sale is my recently purchased Automatic Press & Dryer set up all in Excellent Condition
Progressive Falcon M 10 color 12 station Press (496K impressions) Mnfcr Yr 2005
Electric Heads & Indexer
Large Format Printing Capability
Central off Contact
2 Quartz Flashes
3 Sets of Pallets (Standard, Youth and Sleeve)
2 Sets of Squeegees
1 Set of Flood Bars
Hix NPII-3611 Upgraded Panels w/ Forced Air Mnfct Yr 11/08
Capable High Production Specialty Ink Curing
Comp-Air 10HP Compressor w/High Capacity Tank Mnfct Yr 11/08
Domnick Hunter Refrig/ Dryer Mnfct Yr 11/08
Domnick 65cfm Oil Separator and Filter Mnfct Yr 11/08
40 Diamond Chase Frames 25" x 36"
Diamond Chase Frame Retention Table & Tensiometer
Contact: Earnest- earnestjones@gmail.com or earnestjones@tmail.com
note:frames, table & tensiometer priced separately