Hi Everyone,
If you haven't heard of ColDesi..you haven't been online nearly enough! We're the originators of SWF Embroidery Machines, DTG Direct to Garment Printers, CAMS Automatic Rhinestone Transfer Machines and now Prospangle Spangle Transfer Machines here in the United States.
I'm happy to help any one of you out with marketing, that's my job for ColDesi and I can't get enough of it :), and of course with info on the best of apparel decorating equipment.
Here are our websites, starting with our latest product, the ProSpangle:
ProSpangle Spangle Transfer Machine
DTG Brand T-Shirt Printing Machines
SWF Embroidery Machines and our Home Page
CAMS Automatic Rhinestone Transfer Machines
Mark Stephenson
Marketing for
Avancé Professional Embroidery Machines