Hello printers and community organizers!

I'm a printmaker living in New Orleans. I've part of two non-profit printshops, the New Orleans Community Printshop (NOLA) and Jakmel Ekspresyon (Haiti). I'm really excited to talk about setting up community shops and sharing nity-gritty printing ideas.

The Haitian shop is in desperate need of equipment. Jakmel Ekspresyon is a small operation that provides free art education to local Haitians. Our most recent (and ongoing program) is a free, 9 month intensive screen printing program for 16 local Haitians. Becasue of material limitations we mostly have focused just on printing on paper.

To set up a fully functional, state-of-the-art, printing facility to cultivate jobs and community in Jakmel Haiti.
We are desperately seeking for a manual press, this would allow the haitian artists a chance at setting up a viable printmaking business!!!

Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated!!

