Hi Neighbors!!!

I am glad to make your acquaintance. I am not new to embroidery, just to my machine. I joined the group in order to enable contact with knowledgeable people and engage in problem solving.
I learned to sew by hand at age 8, taught myself to use my mothers sewing machine at 14, and by 16 had my first paying project constructing a prom outfit for my brothers-friends-girlfriend. Hey, $75 was pretty good back in 1975! In 1990 I got a job at a boutique where I learned embroidery basics and from there went on to a few production shops running 12 and 15 heads. In 1993 I started A&B Applique, LLC and in 2006 I lost it to a nasty divorce. Within 6 mos. she trashed it to nothing and I was in the workforce once again. Currently I work at R&R Enterprises running Tajimas; 2-1hds, 1-6hd and 2-8hds, however, I cut my teeth on Barudan and swear by them. In order to keep my finances reigned in I went cheap and found a Melco 6/4T and after jumping a few hurdles I have discovered I need a boot disk; my last obsticle I believe. Don't quit your day job they say, so here I am ready to get started and as they say, "hurry up and wait!" I made the choice based on price, available space and number of heads. Unfortunately I did not research thoroughly enough and find myself in a bind. If anyone has advice to offer, I am open to suggestions. I have contacted someone I believe to be an expert on the subject and wait anxiously to hear back.
My website is currently under construction and I hope to develop it once I get past this situation but you can see much of my history and ability there at zzapplique.com or doestastebetter.com, either will work. FYI, Once when I was experiencing back trouble and had gotten myself out of bed and into a wheelchair, a friend of mine stopped by to have me put numbers and a nameplate on his RAMs jersey. As he watched me sew the twill to his garment he commented, "You're the original zigzagman aren't you" The name stuck and when I needed to set up my e-mail apart from A&B I chose ZigZag Applique and zigzagman for my brand. I sew zigzag stitches by hand and even when the machine is doing it for me! Go have a look and if you have need for any hand sewing I always say, it never hurts to get a quote!!! ZigZag Applique 2012 to present at 6362493508