HK & China Tradeshows

Hi, I know many of you aren't into this, but we fly to HK on April 18 until May 8 this year. If any of you are importers as well and at the shows I would love to catch up and have a beer. We go to the Globalsources Gift Show, the Textile Fair, Swimwear and Apparel, HK TDC Houseware show, International Pet Supplies Expo, Canton fair in Guangzhou City China about 3 hours from HK and back to the TDC HK Gift and Premium and lastly the Printing and Packaging Fair.
Most of our revenue has swung away from what we print here, and now we import flags and signs as well, bring in blanks of bandanas and aprons or stuff that's not wholesales here already. We also bring in lots of lanyards and badges that are too fidley to make here and are cheaply air freighted in a few weeks. And of course large runs are done in Asia also. Exhibitors are from around Asia and beyond also. It's good for ideas as well as the after hours shopping. If you were interested and first time I am virtually local so can show around and not get you lost, as well as the shopping!! PM for more info or google search TDC Tradeshows HK, and GlobalSources Tradeshows or just send me a PM. Not only do you source, but talking to others and seeing other ideas helps. We landed a top four bank here based on a concept we saw at a show and using that on a shirt. And once our customers knew we import source we have imported this year: shirts, socks with logo knitted in, umbrellas, playing cards, badges, lanyards, USB sticks, Frisbees, Rugby balls, car sunshades, dog ball-throwers, banners, flags, notebooks, pens, pins, fridge magnets, stickers, baggage tags, office chairs with embossed logo, printed and debossed jandals, tattoos, caps, balloons, wristbands, digital picture frames, dynamo torches just to name a few.... It's just adding a slice to your client base. Even locally, open an account with bic pens and you may find half your customers would be ongoing pen customers. It just cements loyalty into one stop service provider.
Anyway, be good to catch up with similar promo people if you will be there.