I need a emroidery machine, silk screen & rhinestone machine lets barter for fashions

United States

I would like to barter a embroidery machine, silk screen, garment printer & rhinestone machine
For finished denim jeans, jackets, dresses, fashion cotton shirts, dresses our fashions or
Your custom design if you send tags and labels you can or
I can embroidery silk screen digital print and rhinestone on fashions for you during the sewing process for up the leg jacket sleeve pocket for jeans etc.
This is a great deal for someone wanting there own line of Fashion clothes not just tshirts
I can supply you raw fashions or already decorted after I get the equiptment I can manufacture Fashions that people want the amounts of garments is negotiable
I currently own
Design art deco and design studio and Industrial sewing machines Thousands of Yards of Denims in 4 different Blue Stretch and different pink denims and cotton stretch cottons in black different blues and pink.
Designs fabric and finished fashions patterns and samples
Of new 2010 spring summer and some fall 2010 sneak peeks in demand
Because people want more then JUST T-shirts and hats They want to wear what they like high fashion
This offer is not for everyone its for the right serious mined
Person who is interested in bartering to help each other truly
Become very profitable in the fashion world I have allot of connections in
The fashion world with main stream buyer and suppliers
With all of my seamstress/ designer and tailor Training, experience, skill with collage training, I've been in the industry for over 10 years and have Industrial sewing machine and equiptment.
I have not only main stream department stores but artist celebrities, Television
And magazines and fashion shows I have connections with to put some New lines of clothes in to ensure this to be very profitable for both parties involved

The terms are negotiable let's make a deal