Knock Out Roses Are the Best Roses to Grow

The successful launch of the Knock Out Rose happened when it was judged the 2000 AARS winner. Today it is America's favorite shrub rose and is the rose that is most widely sold in North America. A major reason these roses are the best roses to grow and are so popular is their ease in growing and they do not need special care. These roses belong to the Knock Out Family of Roses and are the most disease resistant roses available. They bloom every five to six weeks throughout the summer until the first hard frost and are winter hardy up to zone 5.

There are many advantages in using Knock Out Roses as they adapt well to any landscape as a hedge, individual bush or intermingled with other annuals and perennials in flower beds. They display well in foundation planting or on either side of a brick driveway creating an inviting entrance to a home. These roses are self-cleaning and do not require deadheading. If not pruned, they can grow to more than 3 to tall. To maintain a smaller size they should be trimmed to 12 to 18" in the early spring or after the first hard frost.

These roses prefer moist well draining soil, thrive in the sun and because of their total black spot disease resistance are really easy to grow. They prefer organic fertilizer over chemical fertilizer which promotes fast growth, weaker flower stems, more foliage and fewer flowers.

Now that you know why Knock Outs are the best roses to grow, here are the members of the familyThe Knock Out® Rose is red, blooms almost continuously during summer. It has brilliant red clusters of fragrant flowers, glossy foliage and tight compact growth.

The Double Knock Out® Rose has twice the number of petals, is fuller, richer in cherry red color that looks almost florescent. It blooms continuously from early June until hard frost. It grows in compact upright fashion, thrives in very humid climates and is more winter hardy and shade tolerant than the single rose.

The Pink Knock Out® Rose is a continuous bloomer with medium pink single flowers is disease resistant, carefree, winter hardy and blooms profusely.
The Pink Double Knock Out® Rose is just as beautiful as the Double Knock Out (DKO) but with intense 'hot' pink blooms. It has the same growing characteristics as the DKO.

The Rainbow Knock Out® Rose, the 2007 AARS winner, has abundant single flowers in coral pink with yellow centers. It is a bushy, compact, rounded shrub with dark green semi-glossy foliage, resistant to black spot, powdery mildew, and rust. It is more disease resistant than its parent and grows to 3'in width.

The Blushing Knock Out® rose bloom icons continuously in bright pink single flowers fading to shell pink. It is carefree, winter hardy and blooms profusely all summer. Works well for hedge, border or foundation planting.

The Sunny Knock Out® Rose produces abundant single 3"wide bright yellow flowers with 5 to 6 petals. It grows as a bushy, compact rounded shrub with dark green semi-glossy foliage, and is more disease resistant than its parent. It has no fragrance.

The Home Run Rose is an offspring of the Knock Out Rose Family. It has a naturally rounded shape with dense foliage, is nearly always in bloom and is possibly the most disease resistant shrub rose available.

Now you know the story of why Knock Out Roses are the easiest and best roses to grow. The family of roses provides many choices to fill your garden landscape and make it the envy of the neighborhood.