By Ebriggs on
Sep. 22, 2008
United States
KORNIT INK: New Waterbased Kornit Ink:
You won't find a better deal on ink. All ink is brand new from national supplier of Kornit inks and equipment.
I no longer need the unopened bottles of ink.
Thus I'm willing to let them go quick and for
an outstanding deal. If you run a Kornit then you know of the substantial savings here.
Price is $15.00/bottle.
I have 23 bottles. All for $345.00
I will pay shipping to US location.
(5) WBIC-V200 Cyan
(6) WBIM-V200 Magenta
(6) WBIY-V200 Yellow
(6) WBLK-V200 Black
Email me if interested: