M & R Automatic + M & R Sprint Gas Dryer

San Luis Obispo , Ca. United States

M & R Automatic + M & R Sprint Gas Dryer

This is an M & R Gauntlet II - 10 color (reconditioned about 3 years ago by CGS) - 1999

Servo Drive w Air Heads
+ Squeegee Flood Bar Air Locks - Revolver Program -

Very Well Maintained - as you can tell

Press $18,500.00
QE Quartz $ 2,500.00 ea. - 2 available

M & R Sprint Dryer $6,500.00 - perfect size for this press
48" wide belt with 8' of all gas heat

Dave McLain
Screen Printing Products Inc.
Blog Site: http://screenprintingproducts.blogspot.com/