A tribute to M & R -
This is press number 1 that M&R made back it the late 1980's (see attachments)- This shows you of M&R's longevity in the screen printing industry & it's durability throughout the years - They have consistently made vast improvements over the years -
from these early automatics like the Gauntlet (6 colors) to to the now Gauntlet 4 - (up to 18 colors) https://www.mrprint.com/equipment/gauntlet-4-automatic-screen-printing-press
The undisputed best automatics in the industry -
from the early Gauntlets & Challenger presses to the now Cobras - Sportmans Ex - Sprint 3000 DMZ - Heat chambers can be set at the same or different temperatures - (split belts) - The DS-4000 Digital Squeegees - & on & on
I've been in this industry for over 44 years & I have watched M&R's growth - Rich Hoffman was the original owner of M&R - & I have admired his vision over the years - A hands on owner that built something special - American made machine company that has the respect of the whole screen print industry
Screenprinting Products Inc. sells Used M & R Presses & when we post them they are usually sold within days of our postings - unlike other machines that keep getting re-posted -
This M & R Gauntlet press is not for sale - but you can see at it trade shows just like the one at Long Beach, Ca.
Tooshay to M&R