Complete Screen Printing Shop:
M&R Gauntlet GT-8 Auto Press (1990's model), 8 color, 10 station with Adult platens, complete set of squeegees and flood bars.
M&R Omni Flash Auto Flash Model #FL1818CXG
Brown 6-Color, 6 Station Manual Press with 8 platens and 1 sleeve platen
Brown Ultra Sierra Conveyor Dryer (Electric) with 6 feet of drying chamber and 12 feet conveyor belt Model #US3611
Brown Wash Out Booth with drying rack and fan, with back light
Brown Single Point Exposure Unit System with drying oven with heating elements to speed emulsion drying times
Brown FastFlash FF-2020 Manual Flash with pedal to swing unit away from shirts (Powerbase)
Brown 2 Color 4 ARM Numbering Machine with name step and Brown Fast Flash dual angle manual flash (Powerbase) with 18 large screens that fit all sizes of numbers for teams
Speedaire Chiller
Spot Cleaning Gun
33 Regular sized screens
21 Automatic Press Screens
6 Kid Platens for the M&R Gauntlet
Plenty of manual squeegees and lots of INK!!!
$30,000 for the entire screen printing equipment and supplies. Contact Jason at 865-360-2129 or email at
This is a working shop so I am continuing to use it.
Click below for pictures.