M&R Renegade XL 52x96 w/ Automatic Takeoff

Provo, UT, United States

Renegade XL is the extended version of M&R’s innovative line of
flatbed graphic presses. By allowing operators to add additional
pressure to the center of the squeegee and floodbar with two
independently controlled center cylinders, Renegade XL helps ensure
uniform pressure across the length of the squeegee, designed for high line-count four-color process printing.
I bought the whole set a few years ago spent a lot of money on them and I just used them a few times so they're like new, in very good conditions and work perfectly. They're just a little dusty.

25,000.00 renegade w/takeoff system and vitran dryer
Call or Tex 801 318 1330
Email jmiguelcs77@hotmail.com