M&R Sportsman 6 Color, 8 Station Automatic, Compressor and Air Dryer

Roseville, MN United States

2004 M&R Sportsman Automatic Press – 6 Color, 8 Station, Compressor and Air Dryer

Sold as of 5/14/21

Immaculate condition. Not used at all in a production environment but in a lab where equipment was used a few months per year a couple of hours per day. Professionally serviced and maintained 3 times per year! Cleaned top to bottom 3 times per year. This press has NEVER had spray adhesive touch it! We take extremely good care of our equipment.

Only reason we are selling is we are moving to a new facility and upgrading to new M&R equipment. All equipment will be available after May 14, 2021 and must be moved no later than May 27, 2021. Press will be dismantled for shipment the week of May 21st bu a certified technician. I have someone available to help move and setup equipment if needed. Price does not include relocation or setup to your facility. We can assist in loading onto a truck.

[B]Included with the Sportsman:[/B]

1 – M&R Reno HV Flash Dryer
8 - 16” x 22” Aluminum M&R Platens (Platens will be cleaned prior to pickup)
8 – 16” Aluminum M&R Squeegee Holders
8 – 16 Aluminum M&R Floodbars
1 – Press Manual

Quincy QT 7.5 HP Compressor

Compressor oil constantly monitored, changed and maintained

7.5 HP, 230 Volts, Single Ph, 40 Amps
2 – Stage
Splash Lubricated
Pump RPM at 7.5 HP: 1026
22.6 CFM @ 175 psi
23.8 CFM @ 100 psi
80 Gal. Tank
Dimensions: 37”L x 24” W x 74” H
Weight: 720 Lbs.

ZEKS Heat Sink True-Cycling Air dryer
Model 24HSEA 100
115 V, 1 Phase, 60 Hz.

Asking $18,500 for everything or make offer
Will break apart if you don't need compressor or dryer.

Any Questions or if you would like to take a look at the equipment, or see a video of the press in operation this week, please contact:
Brian Hoag
Raider Grafix
Call or Text: 651-321-4459