M&R SPORTSMAN EX: 8 COLOR - Loaded w all features

Oklahoma United States

M&R SPORTSMAN EX: 8 COLOR - Loaded with all features

10 station 8 Color M & R Sportsman Ex
the year 2014 / w only 900,000 impressions (1 owner - very well maintained)O

Here's the best news - it's single phase -, 208/230 1 phase

with 2 Red Chili Flash Cures Available for sale

Youtube - https://youtu.be/kRvPTmxoP7k

She's proud of her shop - https://youtu.be/LzOOb-W_2LE

A shop like this - shows only 1 user of this press

M & R Link: https://www.mrprint.com/equipment/sportsman-ex-automatic-screen-printing-press

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