Have NAILHEAD ATTACHMENT MACHINES. Machines are opperated with air with foot pedal and are very fast in attaching nail heads. Each machine is specific to a nailhead size. Machines are sized to #12, #16, and #20 size nailheads. They are best for decorating denim or leather, but will also work on knits. Similar machines from companies like C&C Metal Products in New Jersey, USA sell for approx. $10,000-$12,000.00 new and used for about 1/2 that amount. We are asking $1,500.00 each for the three nailhead attachment machines. They are located in Southern California, USA. Can e-mail you a picture of the machines at your request. Contact us me at: rick@innercirclegraphics.com or you may call us at our office# (310) 392-9784 (310) 399-0359 fax.