Dec. 16, 2008
United States
I am looking for an electric pressure washer and a washout booth. Located in MA.
Thank You!
There are 2 Comments
Re: Need:washout Booth/ Pressure Washer
you can get good pressure washers @ most shops like Home Depot such as Husky brand.
We made our washout booth. Some wood, the bottom shower pan (we got a Kohler @ Lowes for $109). and acrylic @ Tap Plastics. We put lights behind the backwall for better visibility.
You can of course find a variety of turnkey booths on places like eBay
Re: Need:washout Booth/ Pressure Washer
Thanks for the help. I already have a husky power washer and in my opinion they are a very poor investment. There technical support is horrible, there systems were down for 2 weeks and i was not able to buy a replacement part. Should have gone with kholer, they have a better reputation. But thanks again!:)