New guy from Ohio just bought a very old press and it needs serroius TLC

Just joined the site and looks like some good deals.
i am just adding screen printing to my business, i bought very old used Vastex V-2000 from a guy in another group and after he assured me all was there and the press was in working order, i found out little by little indeed there were some parts missing, i have since bought what i needed. but after testing some multi color prints ive noticed i just cant get the micro reg. to work correctly, it seems like they get stuck when im trying to make adjustments, 4 of the heads are so old that i cant find anyone who has even seen these head, the other two are the oldest heads anyone has seen. my next plan is to maybe get all new print heads for the machine or sell and find something newer that i done need to fix up. what do you all think?

United States