Just wanted to say Hi! Just joined up as I found this to be the most informational site for all things embroidery/printing and it has members that actually answer!
I started off printing shirts for school organizations in college and have been running a local embroidery shop in NJ for the last 3 years doing all the embroidery and printing among other daily operating responsibilities. Now time to head back to my roots of printing, add in the embroidery aspect and grow my own venture.
I was able to learn a good bit about how the machines in the shop [Brother & SWF] operate, however I do not have any experience with any machines but those and minor with Tajima, which is why I came here to get opinions from others in the know and have used other machines! Also panned out into a great place to hunt for used equipment!! Talk about bonus points!!
Although I lack in knowledge of machines, for now, my strengths really were in the art side of this industry as well as combining application techniques with ease and success. When I started working for the embroidery shop, I had no idea what digitizing even was, much less how to do it. A minor background in college level computer art programs as well as a small understanding vector art really allowed me to hone and own the art end of this without ever having it formally explained to me. This opened up the shop to being able to take digitizing charges, that were kept internal and even lower the rates on the digitizing and vector art work. Always something to fall back on for extra money I say!
Looking forward to chatting with as many of you as possible and hopefully I can lend assistance in areas I am more comfortable that others are not!
For now, Get to the Chopper!!!