A NEW - Reversible Combo Printing Pallet

A NEW - Reversible Combo Pallet - Double Short Sleeve and Youth Pallet
Get Two pallet functions built into one. Use one side for printing short sleeves and the other for Printing youth size shirts.

Save Money and Space by using both sides of this special pallet.

$179 each - for most automatic machines
$205 each for most manual machines

Overall Pallet Dimensions are:

16" wide on Sleeve Side
Sleeve Print Areas are 5 inches wide x 6.5 inches length
Youth Side is 12" wide and a length of 13 inches
Overall Pallet Length is 22 inches
Overall Pallet Dimensions are 16" x 22"

Made with - Solid Aluminum & Soft Top Pallet Rubber

Please call us to place your order! 800/228-4668, 770/934-1584
Or send us an email to sales@actionengineering.com
For our complete product listing - visit us at actionengineering.com

United States

Erik Naftal
Action Engineering, Inc.
Atlanta, GA. U.S.A.
800-228-4668, 770-934-1584