New Toyota X-Panto Conversion Kit for a sewing area of 14" x 36". $2,000 or best offer.
Sew a continuous 36" x 14" design without re-hooping.
This kit includes:
1 large table to support the pantograph
1 X-axis motor and rail to support a 36" area
1 36" x 15" Border Sash with fabric clips to hold down your fabric
1 Instruction sheet to install
Jump above the local competition and be the only one in your area to sew large garments.
This system is used typically for sewing Flags for war reenactments, or custom Flags for boats, and nautical themed homes.
Limited Edition Embroidered Theater Banners sell for $500-$1,000
Embroidered Silk Upholstery sells for $50 per yard at a discount!
Embroidered Drapery is ordered all the time by Interior Decorators
Elaborate Folk Dance Costumes, and Theater Costumes sell for $1,000's
Embroidered Patches. Just press the button and walk away and sew out 20+ patches with this large sewing area.
Dr DTG & EMB 714-770-0969